
Schedule a Competitive Intelligence Research Study

Please use the calendar below to schedule your competitive intelligence research intake meeting.

  • Step 1: Select a day and time on the calendar below (enter your full name and email address).
  • Step 2: Proceed to checkout and pay the $750 deposit* to secure your research project.
  • Step 3: Anthony Ragland will email you to confirm your 45-minute research intake meeting.
  • Step 4: Our research team will spend 3 weeks collecting and analyzing the openly-available digital marketing data on your competitors.
  • Step 5: Ragland will schedule a Zoom meeting with you to review and discuss your competitive intelligence research and our analysis.

* See the note below the calendar for more details.

The $750 (non-refundable) deposit secures your competitive intelligence intake meeting. It also secures our 3-week internal research study of your competitors. In addition, it covers a portion of our billable time to prepare, present, and discuss our research findings with you during your intelligence review meeting (steps 3, 4 & 5 above).

After your review meeting, you will have an opportunity to purchase a digital copy of all your competitive intelligence research documents. The research documents will include a custom-written competitor analysis report & digital marketing recommendations report. You can own a digital copy of your research documents, analysis report, and recommendations report for a final (optional) payment of $1,650.

BeGreat! Agency consulting services are available for committed clients only. We partner with clients long-term to develop and implement scalable revenue marketing systems. We build digital assets and revenue engines designed to outperform our client’s competitors. This effort requires a time commitment and trust partnership between agency and client. If you’re interested in learning more, please tell us ‘your why’ on the intake meeting questionnaire. Thank you.

Virtual Workshop