The official campaign style guide for BeGreat! Agency.
You'll find our brand identity assets, logos, colors, graphics, typography, and more below.

Our Logomark, Wordmark & Brandmark

Our Brand Identity System

You may only use the approved logo versions below.

Horizontal Logo


Preferred Logo

This is the main BeGreat! Agency logo. Please use this form whenever possible.


Preferred Logo

This is the main BeGreat! Agency logo. Please use this form whenever possible.

Do Not Use Vertical Logo

Group 6

Do Not Use This Version

Our logo is not approved to use with brandmark vertical to the wordmark.

Rectangle Group 6

Do Not Use This Version

Our logo is not approved to use with brandmark vertical to the wordmark on any background.

Monochromatic Logo

Monochromatic Logo1

Blue Logo on White

This version should be used only when it’s not possible to use the full-color version.


White Logo on Pink

You can use this version of our logo on a BeGreat! approved pink background only.


White Logo on Blue

You can use this version of our logo on a BeGreat! approved blue background only.


White Logo on Black

You can use this version of our logo on any black background color.

Logo Scaling

These are logo scaling recommendations. You can see the minimum size for each screen type. Make
sure that your logo does not scale down from the minimum size.


Animated GIF Logo


Official Logo

Five second animated GIF of our official BeGreat!
brand logo.


Logo on Blue Background

Five second animated GIF of our brand logo on blue
(#15243A) background.


White Logo on Pink Background

Five second animated GIF of our white monotone
brand logo on pink (#FF225C) background.


Blue Logo on White Background

Five second animated GIF of our blue monotone
brand logo on white (#FFFFFF) background.

App Icon Symbol

There’s no flexibility in our icon size - they can’t be stretched or changed. That means
that legibility is first priority for app icons.


Icon Symbols

Here’s our brandmark without the wordmark. Use it in cases when the brand has
already been established. The wordmark should never exist without the brandmark.

BeGreat-Agency-Pink-Brandmark-Icon Group 6 - valid

Preferred Icon

Use this version whenever possible.

BeGreat-Agency-Blue-Brandmark-Icon Group 6 - valid

Blue Icon

Approved version of brandmark icon.

Rectangle Group 6 - valid

White Icon on Blue

Approved version of brandmark icon.

Group 6 - valid

White Icon on Pink

Approved version of brandmark icon.

Group 6 - valid

Preferred Icon

Use this version whenever possible.

Rectangle-white Group 6 - valid

White Icon on Black

Approved black & white version of icon.

Rectangle-blackbg Group 6

Blue Icon on White

Not approved version of brandmark icon.

Rectangle-pinkbg Group 6

Blue Icon on Pink

Not approved version of brandmark icon.

Spacing Rules

Our logo works best when it has enough space to breathe. Follow these guidelines to
make sure it’s optimally displayed.


Logomark Safe Area

It ensures that the logo is never placed too to the edge of a document. The X factor is measured using the width of the word e from the logo and must be applied to all four sides of the logo as illustrated below.


Brandmark Safe Area

The same happens with the icon, but here we can use half of the symbol to define the factor X.

Wrong Usage

Always keep in mind these wrong usages of our logos. Avoid these types of errors while
using our logos on any material.

BeGreat-All-Pink-Wrong-Usage Group 6

Logo in Pink (not approved)

Our logo is approved in full-color and monochromatic versions only (see above).

BeGreat-Slant-Wrong-Usage Group 6

Slanted Logo (not approved)

Our logo is approved in horizontal versions only (see above).

wrong-usage3 Group 6

Do Not Use This Version

Our logo is not approved to use with brandmark vertical to the wordmark.

wrong-usage4 Group 6

Do Not Use This Version

Our logo is not approved to use with brandmark vertical to the wordmark.

Official Colors

A reference for our brand colors. You can also find this palette in our brand guidelines.








Official Typography

These fonts represent our brand’s personality. We use them to make sure our written communications are legible, readable and appealing when displayed.




Is your brand scalable? If you don’t have a brand style guide, it’s not.


BeGreat! Agency is a marketing, branding, and advertising agency founded on the principle of serve every client with care.

PT Serif



Is your brand scalable? If you don’t have a brand style guide, it’s not.


BeGreat! Agency is a marketing, branding, and advertising agency founded on the principle of serve every client with care.




Is your brand scalable? If you don’t have a brand style guide, it’s not.


BeGreat! Agency is a marketing, branding, and advertising agency founded on the principle of serve every client with care.

Logo Mockups

Graphic 3D mockups of our logomark and brandmark placed on promotional items,
signage, business cards, apparel, and other goods.


4 Day Challenge